May half term family adventure Turkey from £405 land only (adult); perfect for families with younger children | Explore

Perfect for families with young children this relaxed 7 night Turkey family holiday explores the Turquoise Coast and takes in the history of ancient Lycia. Based in Daylan and Kas on the Turkish Riviera you will visit the ancient cities of Xanthos and Caunus. Expore the submerged city of Kekova, try a traditional mud bath,  play on sandy beaches and swim every day. You will also have the opportunity to learn about the Carretta turtle.

You have to be quick as there are limited places available on the summer half term departure  leaving Monday 27 May. The cost for an adult is £748 and a child is £697 (including flights) and includes 7 nights hotel accommodation, some meals plus tour leader & local guides. Land only prices are £405 (adult) and £354 (child). Minimum age is 2.

Also August, September and Octobe departures available (check website for prices).

Turkey Family Adventure – holidays by Explore.

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