Head to the Alps: Up to 60 hours a week of free childcare with Kinderhotels family holidays and so much more

Grassy meadows, sparkling lakes, wild flowers and snow-capped mountain peaks, children can play safely outdoors discovering the natural beauty of the mountains in summer. Younger kids can feed farm animals and paddle in lakes. Older ones can go white-water rafting or mountain biking on traffic-free cycle tracks. For littlies, Kinderhotels baby-friendly hotels provide bibs and high chairs to buggies.

Kinderhotel alpine family holidays offer up to 60 hours a week of free childcare – from nurseries for babies as young as one week old, up to activities for adventurous teenagers. Choose any of 33 Kinderhotels in beautiful Alpine countryside and take advantage of: a wide range of activity programme for children – free baby and toddler equipment – fully trained English-speaking nannies – all meals included – fantastic value for money with 1 week for 2 adults & 2 kids all inclusive for as low as £1,500.

Family Holidays at Kinderhotels.

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